Canada’s Police Associations Welcome Bill C-48 Bail Reform Legislation receiving Royal Assent
Last week marked a significant milestone: Bill C-48 (An Act to Amend the Criminal Code – Bail Reform received Royal Assent and is set to take effect on January 4, 2024. The full text of the legislation can be accessed here.
Police Associations were a driving force behind the adoption of this legislation. The catalyst for action was the tragic murder of OPP Constable Greg Pierzchala in January 2023, prompting a joint statement by CPA, PAO, OPPA, and TPA.
This collaborative effort gained momentum during the CPA Legislative Conference in Ottawa in April 2023. Police Association representatives nationwide engaged with Members of Parliament, emphasizing the necessity of common-sense bail reform targeting repeat, violent offenders.
Directors of the CPA Board including our President, Mark Baxter and Directors, Brad Durst, Mark Egers, Andrea Lamothe, Tim Morrison, and will continue to advocate for federal policies prioritizing the health, wellness and safety of sworn and civilian police members.
For further details on the implications of this legislation, the joint press release by the four associations is available here.