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Launch of the PAO’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan

We’ve launched our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, a roadmap shaping our organization for the next four years. More than a document, it embodies our collective vision, aspirations, and commitment to excellence in serving Ontario’s policing community.

Your input has been key in crafting this member-driven plan. Consultants engaged province-wide, ensuring every voice and perspective was heard. Here’s a snapshot of the plan’s pillars:

  1. Advocacy: Strengthening our position as the leading voice for police professionals in Ontario, influencing legislation, and promoting positive mental health outcomes.
  2. Training & Education: Enhancing accessible and relevant training for our members.
  3. Member Services & Engagement: Improving brand recognition and creating valuable, accessible member services.
  4. Labour & Contract Support: Advocating for responsible and competitive labour relations.
  5. Organization Capacity: Ensuring strong governance and operational capacity for future success.

Check out the full plan by selecting the PDF below. It’s a commitment to our members, promising to uphold values of integrity, respect, collaboration, and dedication. Thank you to all who contributed. Excited to see the plan in action over the next four years!

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